Nguyễn Cẩm Thạch1,, Nguyễn Hoàng Ngọc1, Nguyễn Văn Tuyến1
1 108 Military Central Hospital

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Objectives: to evaluate concentrations of apolipoprotein A-I, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I ratio in large artery atherosclerotic stroke patients. Determining the prognostic value of large artery atherosclerotic in ischemic stroke patients of the ratio apoB/apoA-I. Subjects and methods: control group (n=40) and 248 ischemic stroke patients (IS) were examined and treated at 108 Military Central Hospital from 10/2017-12/2019. The patient group were divided into 2 groups: large atherosclerotic artery stroke (n =146) and small artery occlusive stroke (n = 102). Cross-sectional descriptive prospective study method. Patients were examined clinically, diagnosed with imaging and tested apoA-I, apoB,  apoB/apoA-I ratio on admission. Results: apoB concentration, apoB/apoA-I ratio was highest in the large artery atherosclerotic stroke (1.31±0.29 g/l; 1.06±0.34), followed by the small artery occlusive stroke (1.03±0.27 g/l; 0.7±0.23) and lowest in the control group (0.92±0.27 g/l; 0.59±0.2) with p < 0.05. The apoA-I concentration was highest in the control group (1.58±0.26 g/l), followed by the small artery occlusive stroke (1.51±0.28 g/l) and the lowest was in the large artery atherosclerotic stroke (1.28±0.23 g/l) with p <0.05. Multivariate analysis of large atherosclerostic group: ratio apoB/apoA-I with OR = 1.244; 95% (CI 95% 1.13-1.369); p < 0.05. The cut-off value was 0.995 (sensitivity: 64%; specificity: 83%). Conclusion: there were changes in apoA-I concentration, apoB concentration, apoB/apoA-I ratio in large artery atherosclerotic stroke. The ratio apoB/apoA-I is an independent predictor of large artery atherosclerotic stroke patients.

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