Phạm Thị Thùy Dung1, Đỗ Xuân Viện2, Vũ Minh Thúy1, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Anh1,
1 Phenikaa University
2 Vinmec Da Nang International Hospital

Main Article Content


Background: Vietnam, a developing country in Southeast Asia, is attacked by the waves of Covid-19. The experiences of rapid and successful fight of SARS last few years contribute to the country’s effective coping solutions to Covid-19 but it still put the health staff, especially frontline nurses, in day of rush work.  Aim: This study is to illustrate the experiences and feelings of frontline nurses taking care of patients with SARS-CoV-2 positive in quarantine healthcare settings with low resources and supplies; bring an insight to health leaders with future plan.  Methodology: A qualitative descriptive study was used aimed at gathering in-depth information about the lived feeling and experiences of nurses working with Covid-19 affected patients at unfamiliar isolation healthcare centers. Thirteen nurses were selected by convenient sampling and thirteen internet-based in-depth interviews were implemented. Results: Participants identified a range of issues when they work with Covid-19 affected patients: the fear of infection and discrimination, feeling of unsafety, coping with mental problem, and feeling of gaining patriotism. Conclusion: The study reveals many of the psychological issues that worth concerning to health planners related to COVID-19 in Vietnam. The findings point to the necessity of protecting nurses and their emotional reactions when the epidemic is ongoing.

Article Details


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