Nguyễn Thu Quỳnh1,, Đàm Khải Hoàn1, Bùi Thị Thanh Châm1, Ngô Thị Loan1, Nguyễn Duy Thư1, Tô Hoài Anh1, Nguyễn Thị Mai Anh1
1 Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objective: To determine the content of saponins and total polysaccharides in Codonopsis javanica (Blume) Hook f. Thoms in Sung Trai commune, Ha Giang province. Methods: Quantification of total saponins in the medicinal herb through Rosenthaler reaction to produce the colored product. Measure the color intensity of this product by the UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 550 nm. Total polysaccharides in medicinal plants were quantified by the phenol-sulfuric method to produce the colored product. Measure the color intensity of this product by the UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 492 nm. Research results: Developed and validated a quantitative method for linearity, accuracy, repeatability. Applying these quantitative methods to quantify total saponins and polysaccharides in Codonopsis javanica (Blume) Hook collected at Sung Trai, Ha Giang. Quantitative results showed that total saponins were 5.14 ± 0.17% and total polysaccharides were 21.59 ± 0.68% in dried herbs.

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