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Objective. The study was done to describe some determinants relating the laparoscopy of rectal cancer surgery by the use of a circular side stapling technique at the Institute 103 of Medicine in Military from 1/2016 to 4/2019. Studied subjects and Method. The studied subjects included 88 patients with rectal cancer. The method was a cross-sectional study. Main outcomes and conclusions. BMI ≥ 25 increased the operating time compared with BMI < 25 (p = 0.001); tumor size > 4 cm augmented the operating time compared with that ≤ 4 cm với (p = 0.005), tumors lying at the second third and the end of rectum had longer operating time than the first third (p = 0.05), ileum opening was done in the second and the third 1/3 compared with the first one third (p <0.05). Rectal examination during the operation to locate the site of tumors was done with tumors locating out of peritoneal folds; 3 trocars were more used in females, 5 trocars were more used in males (p = 0.02), the movement of splenic flexure didn’t depend on the site and the size of tumor.
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Determinant, Laparoscopy of Rectal Cancer Surgery, Use of a circular side stapling technique
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