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Objectives: Survery of causes, clinical and subclinical characteristics of patients with multi-organ failure at Thai Binh Provincial General Hospital. Method: prospective self control study. Results: In 82 patients with multiple organ failure, the mean age was 59.4 ± 12.5 years. Male accounted for 78% and female accounted for 22%. The number of damaged organs in each patient ranged from 2 to 6 organs, of which failure of 4 organs had the highest rate (45.1%), failure of 2 organs accounted for the lowest rate (8.5%). Some of the clinical manifestations of organ damage encountered with the highest rate are: Respiratory: dyspnea (100%), rapid breathing (45.5%), mechanical ventilation (72.5%); Cardiovascular: tachycardia (88.57%); Kidney: oliguria/anuria (59.8%). Some subclinical manifestations: infected patients: 70.7% leukocytosis; 58.5% pulmonary infiltrates on X-ray; 44.6% blood culture (+) and 23% sputum culture (+). Most had a white blood cell increase of 13.69 ± 9.06 and a mild anemia with a red blood cell of 3.92 ± 0.85; Hemoglobin 113.9 ± 17.56. Most of the patients had metabolic acidosis, pH 7.16 ± 0.21 and hypoxemia P/F: 208.49 ± 85.16; Serum creatinine increased 245.17 ± 145.89mg/dL, Total Billirubin increased 55.05 ± 72.57mg/dL and blood lactate increased 10.4 ± 6.91. Among the four groups of causes of multi-organ failure, infection accounts for the highest rate (79.4%) and the main source of infection is respiratory and digestive. Conclusion: Multi-organ failure is common in elderly patients with a higher rate of males than females, with lesions in many organs with diverse clinical and subclinical manifestations and infections still being the leading cause of high rates of morbidity and mortality. multi-organ failure, so it is necessary to detect early, take preventive measures and actively treat.
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multiple organ failure
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