Trịnh Hữu Chín1, Lê Thị Hằng1,
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

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Research: “Working environment and health of workers at asbestos – cement corrugated sheet production Dong Anh Investment Construction and materials Joint Stock Company, Ha Noi in 2021” was performed in July 2021 to February 2022 and aimed at: (1) Describe the actual situation of the working environment at Dong Anh investment construction and building materials joint stock company; (2) Describe the health of asbetos cement workers at Dong Anh investment construction and building materials joint stock company in 2021. The study was conducted on 428 subjects with the following results: About the working environment, 3/5 respirable dust samples and 8/14 locations have beyond the standard. None of areas had concentrations of total dust and asbestos dust that exceed the standard. About the health of asbetos cement workers: Among 144 employees in the high-risk group, there were 20 cases diagnosed with restrictive ventilatory defect accounting for 13,89%. The rate of ventilatory dysfunction increases gradually with age groups and there is a difference between the occupational age groups. The highest in the group of workers with working age from 5-10 years, the lowest in the group of workers with over 20 years of experience. The results of physical examination showed that chronic upper respiratory disease accounted for the highest rate (71,03%), the second was dental diseases (56,78%), the third was other diseases ophthalmic disease (55,14%). No cases of lung cancer and mesothelioma have been diagnosed. Health type II and type III accounted for the majority (90,42%). Health classification has differences in gender and age groups. Our research recommends that Leaders of Dong Anh investment construction and building materials joint stock company need to pay more attention and implement pratical solutions to improve environmental quality and working conditions as well as the health of their workes.

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