Trần Anh Quân1,, Nguyễn Thị Tuyến2
1 Saint Paul Hospital
2 Thang Long University

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Objectives: Describe the state of surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery at the Department of Gastroenterology. Transformation of Saint Paul General Hospital in 2021 and Analysis of some factors related to surgical site infection. Object and Methods: Descriptive research study using the patient's medical records to collect pre-, intraoperative and laboratory information of the patient. Observation and use of checklists to evaluate the surgical procedure of the patient. nursing. Observing and assessing the progress of the incision during each dressing change until discharge, the results were fully recorded in the research medical record. Results: The rate of postoperative wound infection at Green hospital Hanoi pontoon in 2021 is low (1.7%). compared with other studies. There are many factors associated with surgical site infection: -Patients with high glycemic index from 8mmol/l have 5 times higher risk of surgical site infection. Patients with Type ASA >= III The risk of UTI is nearly 7 times higher than that of the ASA group < III ; ( p = 0.001) . Patients with SENIC index of 2 or higher have about 6 times the risk of surgical site infection; The difference is statistically significant.. Underweight people tend to have higher surgical site infections, but the difference is not statistically significant. Conclusion: The rate of surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery at Saint Paul hospital in 2021 is low (1.7%). There are many factors associated with an increased risk of infection after gastrointestinal surgery such as: patients with high glycemic index, high ASA, high SENIC index, thin and underweight people.

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