Trần Mạnh Hùng1,, Trần Quế Sơn2
1 Bach Mai Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard treatment for cholelithiasis. Situs Inversus Totalis (SIT) is a very rare condition but not a contraindication to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. We described a successful laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis in a 29-year-old male with SIT. The patient complained of abdominal discomfort just below the left costal margin. Computed tomography of the abdomen was used to diagnose cholecystitis and Situs Inversus Totalis. We used three trocars (2 trocar-10 mm and one trocar-5 mm) and dissected and clamped the cystic duct with the left hand through the 10-mm trocar port. The surgery time was 74 minutes, and there was no blood loss during the surgery. After four days of treatment, the patient was discharged from the hospital without complications. Conclusion: The surgical approach chosen depends on the surgeon's experience (either with one trocar, three trocars, or four trocars); nevertheless, the procedure tends to be highly challenging due to the transposition of abdominal organs, increasing the surgical time of the intervention.

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