Lê Minh Hoàng1, Huỳnh Phượng Nhật Quỳnh1, Trần Thị Thư1, Trần Thị Thanh Hương1, Lâm Quang Vinh1, Nguyễn Văn Thống1,
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Covid increases anxiety rates in different groups, especially the elderly. Surveying the rate of anxiety in this group of subjects during the Covid 19 epidemic is a matter of concern. Objective: To determine the rate of anxiety and some related factors in elderly inpatients at the Hospital of Traditional Medicine in Can Tho city. Materials and methods: This qualitative study with cross-sectional descriptive method by though a analysis on 201 inpatients over 60 years old from September 2021 to March 2022. To measure the anxiety was measured using the GAD7 scale. Results: 55.22% of patients participating in the study had anxiety with a score of 5 or higher. There were 48.75% patients with mild anxiety and moderate anxiety, and 6.46% patients with severe anxiety. The related factors were mild (OR=0.504; p=0.018), without owning health insurance card (OR=4.443, p<0.05), being infected with Covid 19(OR=22.00, p<0.001). and the time of being tranferred tho the field hospital from local (OR = 0.384, p < 0.05) which were found to be statistically significant in relation to anxiety. Conclusion: Anxiety is a fairly common disease in the elderly with underlying medical conditions, which is especially high during the Covid 19 pandamic period. This study provides an alarm signal for hospitals in general and Can Tho Traditional Medicine Hospital in particular as well as medical staff when treating the elderly patients. The traditional medicine sector needs to promote its role in researching and treating patients with anxiety after the Covid pandemic.

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