Nguyễn Thanh Vũ1,, Trần Phan Chung Thủy1, Hà Nguyễn Anh Thư1, Huỳnh Đại Phú2
1 Vietnam National University HCMC
2 Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam National University - HCMC

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Hearing loss is defined as their ability to hear cannot hear as well as people with normal hearing, with a hearing threshold of 20dB or less. Hearing loss can be mild, moderate, severe, or profound. Hearing loss can occur in one or both ears, and leads to difficulty communicating or hearing loud sounds, affecting quality of life. Hearing loss has many different causes, including groups of causes in the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear, or a combination of these causes. Depending on the cause of the hearing loss, there will be different treatment solutions such as drug treatment, surgery, hearing aids or a combination of treatment methods. Therefore, it is essential to take measurements to diagnose the cause of the disease. In order to operate an Audiology unit effectively, it is necessary to design and develop a process to operate it, consists of 3 main elements: people, technology and process.

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