Nguyễn Thị Thùy Linh1,, Nguyễn Thị Hương2, Đỗ Gia Tuyển3
1 Bac Ninh General Hospital
2 Bach Mai Hospital
3 Hanoi Medical University

Main Article Content


Objective: To describe the clinical, laboratory and kidney function in polycystic kidney disease patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study on 115 adult outpatients and inpatients in Bach Mai hospital diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease, from August 2021 to the end of August 2022. Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 51.3+ 12.9 years. Male proportion accounted for 49,6%. Common clinical symptoms are pelvic pain (45.2%), hematuria (33.9%); dysuria (38,3%), enlarged kidneys (64.3%), hypertension (59.1); 65.0% of cases had enlarged kidneys, the average size of the largest renal cyst was 49.6mm. The proportion of patients with polycystic kidney disease with renal failure is 75.7%, in which stage 5 renal failure accounts for the highest proportion (34.8%), followed by stage 3 (26.1%). and stage 4 (14.8%). Conclusion: The proportion of patients with polycystic kidney disease with chronic renal failure accounts for a high rate, up to 75,7%. Several factors are associated with the renal failure condition including age, hypertension, large renal cyst size, and a family history of renal failure. 

Article Details


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