Nguyễn Văn Dũng1,, Phạm Thái Dũng2
1 Thanh Hoa General Hospital
2 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objective: To determine the etiology of bacteria and antibiotic resistance in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) at the ICU1 Department of Thanh Hoa Provincial General Hospital in 2022.  Subjects and research methods: A descriptive and prospective study etiology and antibiotic resistance of 86 ventilator-associated pneumonia patients. The patients were admitted to the hospital on ventilators after 48 hours of pneumonia, taking sputum samples in the morning for testing to find the microbial cause and making an antibiotic chart. Results: Average age was 62.6±18.7 years old; the rate of VAP (ventilator-associated pneumonia) is 20.5%; The leading causative agent of VAP is A.baumanii which accounts for 32.38%, Staphylococus.aureus accounts for 19.05%; There were 15 cases where 1 specimen was cultured with 2 types of bacteria (14.29%); The antibiotic sensitivity rate of Staphylococus.aureus is still high to antibiotics such as complete sensitivity to Vancomycin (100%); The antibiotic sensitivity rate of Klebsiella pneumoniae was highest to Fosmici (70.59%), Imipenem (64.71%); The antibiotic sensitivity rate of P.Aeruginose is still as high as Meropenem (50%); The antibiotic sensitivity rate of E.coli is quite high to many antibiotics such as Meropenem (75%), Imipenem (75%); The antibiotic sensitivity rate of A.baumanii is very low while the antibiotic resistance rate of A.baumanii is very high such as Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin resistance rate 85.3%. Conclusion: The cause of Acinetobacter baumannii accounts for 32.38%. The antibiotic sensitivity of the bacteria that causes VAP, Staphylococus aureus, is completely sensitive to Vancomycin (100 sensitivity), Pseudomonas aeruginose is still highly sensitive to Meropenem (50 sensitivity), Klebsiella pneumoniae is still quite sensitive to Fosmicin (70.59% sensitivity and 11.76% intermediate). E.coli has a high rate of sensitivity to Meropenem (75%), Acinetobacter baumanii is still sensitive to Meropenem but a low rate of 29.4%.

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