Main Article Content
Background: Appendicitis is a common surgical emergency, with diverse clinical and laboratory characteristics causing many difficulties in diagnosis and surgical decisions. Objective: Description of clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with acute appendicitis treated at Tra Vinh University Hospital in the period of 2019 - 2022. Methods: Retrospective studies of case report hospitalized for acute appendicitis at Tra Vinh University Hospital from 01/2019 to 04/2022 by investigating health records, collecting research information according to sample medical records. Results: From 01/2019 to 04/2022 in 27 patients (there are 10 males and 17 females) treated by laparoscopic appendectomy at the Hospital of Tra Vinh University. The mean age was 39,8 ± 13.4 (15 – 65). The main reason for admisson was abdominal pain (100%), in wich 66,67% patients suffered from abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa, only 25,93% of patients with epigastric pain. Aching pain occurs in 100% of cases. Mc Burney sign in 100% of patients, especially there was 33,33% of them had normal body temperature. The number of white blood cells (WBCs) was 15.000/ mm3 - > 18.000/mm3 (40,74%). 6 casse (22,22%) had number of WBS over 18.000/ mm3, but surgical diagnosis was not complicated acute appendicitis. CRP was not routinely offered to patient. The common image of appendicitis on ultrasound was fatty infiltration (37,04%). The mean size diameter of appemdix in ultrasound was 9,12 mm (4 – 14mm). CT Scan was indicated in 63% of cases, the mean size diameter of appendix was 11,3mm (8 – 20mm) Conclusion: Clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with acute appendicitis at Tra Vinh University Hospital were similar to other studies. Howevwr, the WBC at admission was not corelated with the surgical diagnosis. The diameter size of appendix on ultrasound and CT Scan was different, so that we need studies with larger sample size to copare 2 groups.
Article Details
Clinical, laboratory characteristics, appendicitis, Tra Vinh University Hospital
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