Nguyễn Kim Huệ1,, Lê Hoàng2
1 Hospital A Thai Nguyen
2 Tâm Anh Hospital

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Objective: Describe hysteroscopy images and some interventions during hysteroscopy. Subjects and research methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study of 208 patients undergoing hysteroscopy to treat lesions at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, A Thai Nguyen Hospital, from January 2020 to December 2021. Result: Uterine lesions on laparoscopy: 88.4% polyps, 5.3% uterine adhesions, 3.4% uterine mucosal hyperplasia and 2.9% submucosal fibroids. Uterine polyps treated with electrocautery ablation accounted for 83.7%, and accounted for 16.3% with laparoscopic morcellation. Submucosal fibroids were treated with tumor resection, accounting for 83.3%, 16.7% without intervention. Adhesions of the uterus are treated by laparoscopic removal for 27.3%, and 72.3% of adhesions by laparoscopic instruments. Conclusion: Common lesions are uterine polyps, submucosal fibroids, uterine adhesions, and endometrial hyperplasia. Among them, the most common lesion is uterine polyp. These lesions are treated with endoscopic instruments and have few complications.

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