Lê Tuấn Linh1, Nguyễn Đăng Sơn2,, Nguyễn Ngọc Cương3
1 Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội
2 Hanoi Medical University
3 Radiology Center, Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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Introduction: Percutaneous nerphrostomy (PCN) under Ultrasound and DSA guidance is a minimal invasion for treating Hydronephrosis and Pyelonephrotitis. It has much benefits and is safety for patients. Subject and methods: cross-sectional descriptive study with 45 patients PCN at Radiology and inventional center in Ha Noi Medical University Hospitals from 06/2021 to 08/2022. Results: 45 patients was performed Pecutaneous nephrostomy because of 66.6% urinary stones, 15.5% ureter stenosis and 15.5% malignant disease. The patients has hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis in grade II, III about 75.5% and decrease renal function about 57.8%. Successful rate is 100%. All renal function after procedure was better than before. The complications in and after procedure could be treatment.

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