Đặng Thị Kiều Sa1, Nguyễn Thị Thịnh2, Mai Huỳnh Như2,
1 Gia Rai District Medical Center, Bac Lieu province
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Background: Pediatric Pneumonia is a common disease in children under 5 years old, especially children under 2 months being with the highest pneumonia morbidity and mortality rates. The most common causes of bacterial pneumonia are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Staphylococcus aureus. Cephalosporins are beta-lactam antimicrobials used to manage a wide range of infections from gram-positive. Besides, cephalosporins play an important role in the treatment of infectious diseases because they have low toxicity and are generally safe. Objective: To determine the rational use of cephalosporins and survery factors associated in the treatment of pneumonia in children at the Pediatrics Department to research on evaluating rational use of cephalosporin antibiotics in the treatment of pneumonia in children at the Pediatrics Department of Gia Rai Town Medical Center in 2021. Subjects and Methods: A Descriptive cross-sectional descriptive study, methods with data being collected on 170 medical records of inpatients diagnosed with pneumonia using cephalosporins at the Pediatrics Department of Gia Rai Town Health Center In the year 2021. Results: Third-generation were the most commonly used with the rate of 92.4%. Conformity in using antibiotics cephalosporins was 37.1%. In which, conformity indications, dosage, route of administration, distance and time of drug administration are 99.4%, 57.1%, 98.8%, 72.4% and 84.7%. The age, qualifications, physician seniority and number of days of treatment are related to appropriate antibiotic use (p<0.05). No statistically significant association was found between age, sex and the degree of pneumonia of the patient (p>0,05). Conclusion: The rate of using cephalosporin rational in the treatment of pneumonia at the ediatric department was 37.1%. Antibiotic management programs in health centers need to be strengthened. The choice of rational use of cephalosporin antibiotics will bring high treatment efficiency, reduce antibiotic resistance, reduce costs and reduce mortality from hospital-acquired infections.

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