Nguyễn Thế Tài1,, Nguyễn Doãn Phương2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 National Mental Health Institute, Bach Mai Hospital

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Background: Autism spectrum disorders (RLPTK) are a group of disorders that appear early in childhood. Sensory abnormalities often make children with autism spectrum disorder difficult to receive, process, and respond to stimuli as well as difficult to treat. Objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics of sensory processing disorders in children with autism spectrum disorder. Subjects and research methods:  A cross-sectional descriptive study of 75 children with autism spectrum disorder treated at the National Children's Hospital from August 2021 to October 2022. Results: The study subjects were mainly men (85.3%); average age 34.92 ± 8,589 months; living places are mainly in urban areas (57.4%). The mean age at diagnosis was 28.72 ± 8,072 months. Up to 90,7% of children have at least one sensory disorder, in which auditory sensory processing disorder accounts for the highest percentage with 81,3%, the lowest is internal sensory processing disorder with 20%. The most common symptom onset was limited social skills with 74.7%. Children with more severe ASD have a significantly higher rate of ASD with 95,2%. Conclusion: Sensory processing disorder is one of the very common symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. Sensory-auditory processing disorders are the most common and the prevalence of sensory disturbances is markedly high in the severe autistic group. Therefore, early detection and intervention is required.

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