Lê Thị Hằng1, Nguyễn Thị Phương Thủy2,
1 Thanh Hoa General Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Objectives: Study to investigate osteoporosis status in postmenopausal women. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted o 94 postmenopausal female patients visiting the department of medical examination, Thanh Hoa Provincial General Hospital. The patient's lumbar spine bone density and femoral neck were measured using a DEXA meter. Patients were graded bone density based on the T-score: T≤ 2.5 SD was osteoporosis; T>-2.5 SD was non-osteoporosis, including the normal group (T>-1 SD) and decreased bone density (-SD≥ T>-2.5 SD). Results: The rate of femoral neck osteoporosis was 23.4%, lumbar spine osteoporosis was 52.1%. There was 55.3% of the patients had osteoporosis in at least one of the two locations. Factors associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis included: age 60 or older, menopause for more than 10 years, having more than two children, less than 4 hours of physical activity per week, dyslipidemia, having another disease. Conclutions: Most of the post-menopausal women who came to the Department of Examination, General Hospital of Thanh Hoa Province, had osteoporosis or reduced bone density

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