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Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of miniscrews for whole arch distalization from researchs in the past 20 years. Materials and methods: Systematic review. Results: 08 artilces were included in the systematic review. Miniscrew used in whole arch distalization are 1.5mm – 2mm in diameter, 6mm – 14mm in length for maxillary and are 1,5mm in diameter, 6mm – 7.1mm in length for mandibular. Distalization force is 200gram in most articles. Upper incisors retract 0.49mm – 4.6mm (p<0.05 in 4/6 articles). Upper first molar move distally 1.29 mm – 4mm (p<0.05 in 5/6 articles). Lower incisors retract 1.69mm – 3.2mm (p<0.05 in 2/3 articles). Lower first molar move distally 1.88mm – 3.4mm (p<0.05 in 2/3 articles). Incisor tip labially and extrude, first molar tip distally and intrude in both upper and lower jaw. Occlusion plane rotates counterclockwise during maxillary whole arch distalization and anticlockwise during mandibular whole arch distalization. Upper lip retracts up to 2.5mm, lower lip retracts up to 2.0mm. Trends of moving are the same in all results but not highly statistically significant. Conclusion: Miniscrews are effective in whole arch distalization. The most obvious clinical signs of total dentition distalization are incisor retraction and molar distal movement, statistically significant difference proved. Other movement such as tipping, extrusion, intrusion of incisors and molars, rotation of occlusion plane, lips retraction are somewhat showed in the results but not many articles have statistically significant difference.
Article Details
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