Hồng Minh Phạm 1,2,, Đăng Lưu Vũ1,3, Quang Anh Nguyễn1,3, Hoàng Kiên Lê3, Tất Thiện Nguyễn3, Hữu An Nguyễn3
1 Hanoi medical university
2 Hai Phong International Hospital.
3 Bach Mai hospital

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Objectives: describe the image of acute ischemic stroke in the anterior circulation on MSCT and MRI, evaluate the effectiveness of mechanical thrombectomy without thrombolysis. Subjects and methods: A descriptive study of 96 patients with acute ischemic stroke of the anterior cerebral circulation who underwent mechanical thrombectomy without thrombolysis at the Radiology Center and the Stroke Center - Bach Mai Hospital. Results: Anterior ischemic stroke was most common in the M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery (63,54%), followed by the internal carotid artery (36,64%), and the M2 segment of middle cerebral artery (14,58%). Most of the patients were diagnosed with MSCT with 95.83%, of which 95.65% of cases observed early signs of infarction. The mechanical thrombectomy method has a high rate of recanalization and good clinical recovery after 3 months. Conclusion: The method of thrombectomy without thrombolysis is effective in patients with ischemic stroke due to large anterior cerebral circulation occlusion.

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