Nam Khánh Đỗ 1,, Thị Thu Liễn Nguyễn1, Hải Đăng Chu 1, Thị Mai Ngọc Phạm 1, Lê Vinh Nguyễn2, Thanh Hà Nguyễn2, Quang Dũng Nguyễn1
1 Hanoi medical university
2 National lung hospital

Main Article Content


Objectives: This study evaluated dietary intake of patients before thoracic surgery at the Department of Thoracic Surgery, National Lung Hospital in 2021. Research method: study design of a cross-sectional was conducted on 63 preoperative patients with thoracic surgery. Research results: The results showed that the average energy of the diet was 1886.5±456.4 Kcal. 65.1% of the patients ate enough of the recommended intakes and 34.9% of the patients did not eat enough of the recommended intakes. The average structure of energy-producing substances Protein:Lipid:Glucid is 19:25:56. The study showed that 20-30% of the study subjects had diets that did not meet the recommended intakes in terms of micronutrient content. Especially substances such as vitamin A, vitamin K and calcium have a deficiency rate of over 50%. Conclusions: Preoperative patients with an unbalanced diet still account for a high proportion, therefore, it is necessary to have a solution to ensure adequate and reasonable nutrition for patients before surgery at the National Lung Hospital.

Article Details


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