Nguyên Lâm Lê1,, Thúy Duyên Phạm 1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy

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Background: Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease affecting the tissues around the teeth and supporting the teeth. Unlike gingivitis, which occurs only in the gums, periodontitis also destroys the alveolar bone and periodontal ligament system1. Lesions of periodontitis can be acute or chronic, with clinical manifestations that vary from person to person, so there are many forms of inflammation. Objectives of the study: To describe the clinical and radiographic characteristics of chronic periodontitis at the Hospital of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Research object and method: Sampling criteria The patient was diagnosed with chronic periodontitis (according to Flemming 1999), in good general health, with no contraindications to surgery, age >18 years. After initial treatment, there was at least one periapical supporting tissue lesion with gingival inflammation and bleeding on exploration, periodontal pocket ≥5 mm deep, clinical attachment loss ≥3 mm, and imaging Alveolar bone lesions are evident on radiographs. Agree to participate in the study. Results: The teeth had a lot of tartar, and the gingival inflammation was moderate or higher, corresponding to the average tartar index of 1.9 and the average inflammatory gingivitis index of 1.86.Mean pocket depth. The mean is 4.96±1.31mm, the average clinical adhesion loss is 5.79±1.65mm, in which the average margin of gingival recession is 1.25±0.82mm. Horizontal bone resorption accounts for the proportion. The highest among the three forms with 75%. Cross-type bone resorption accounted for 17.1 and mixed bone resorption 7.9%. Conclusion: Clinical and radiographic symptoms suggest that the patients have moderate and severe periodontitis.

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