Thuận Hà1,, Thị Kim Liên Nguyễn1
1 Hanoi medical university

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Background: Spondylolithesis is a common musculosceletal disease. Surgery is indicated when severe spondylolithesis, severe nerve compression or medical treatment fail. Patients need to be rehabilitated soon after surgery to achieve the best function, reduce pain, improve quality of life and return to work soon. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the outcome of early rehabilitation in patients after spondylolithesis surgery at Viet Đuc hospital. Subjects and methods: This is a study of 64 patients aged 18 years or older who were treated with spondylolithesis surgery at Viet Duc hospital in 2021-2022, follow them in 1st month and 3rd month after surgery. Results: Early rehabilitation after surgery improve some clinical symptoms after 1 month and 3 months, p<0.05. ODI scores reduced and continue to decrease after 3 months after surgery, p<0.05. Conclusions: Early rehabilitation in patients after spondylolithesis surgery help them improve clinical symptoms and ADL.

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