Hoàng Diệu Lương 1, Bá Thắng Tạ 2, Lam Nguyễn2,
1 Thai Nguyen National hospital
2 103 Military Hospital

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Objective: To define bacterialogycal etiology by culture and real-time PCR in patients with exacerbations of bronchiectasis describe treated at Thai Nguyen central hospital. Subjects and methods: Prospective, cross-sectional study on 36 patients with exacerbations of bronchiectasis, treated from November 2021 to July 2022. Results: Mean age of patients was 64.17 ± 16.39 years old, with the group > 60 years old accounting for 69.4%. The male/female ratio was 1.7/1. Mean of BMI was 18.47 ± 2.59 kg/m2.  50% of patients had a history of non-tuberculous lower respiratory tract infection, while the patients with a history of tuberculosis occupied 30.6%. The positive rate of culture was 33.3%, and real-time multi-agent PCR gave a positive result in 25%, of which Streptococcus pneumoniae being 11.1%, Hemophilus influenzae 13.8%. Bacteriological results (culture + PCR) were positive 41.7%, in which the poroportions of  single agent and multi-agent followed by 25 and 16.7%, and co-infection of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae accounted for a high rate. Conclusions: Conventional culture had a low positive rate, PCR detected up to 25% of cases not detected by conventional culture methods, and co-infection of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae accounted for a high rate. Combining culture with real-time PCR increased the rate of detected bacterialogycal etiology.

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