Văn Tuấn Trình 1,, Vũ Hoàng Nguyễn1, Văn Phú Nguyễn2, Thanh Tùng Nguyễn2, Văn Chất Lê2
1 Thai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
2 Thai Nguyen central hospital

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Objective: To evaluate the results of using the first dorsal interosseous artery flap to cover the soft part of the first finger of the hand. Subjects and methods: Descriptive study on 31 patients with software defects in the first finger of the hand who were treated for the first dorsal interosseous flap at Thai Nguyen Central Hospital from January 2018 to August 8. 2022. The flap was designed at the dorsal dorsum of the second toe and the second metatarsal joint with the blood supply of the first dorsal interosseous artery dissecting at the radial artery in the pituitary. Along with the artery there are 2 veins. The sensory nerve of the flap is a sensory branch that separates from the radial nerve. Result: The results of nearly 27/31 patients with completely flap accounted for 87.1%, 3 patients with live flap but peeling of the epidermis accounted for 9.7%, 1 patient with partially necrotic flap accounted for 3.2%, there were no cases of flap. died. The place for the flap is grafted with thick skin, and the first is at the place for the flap. Distant results: We monitored 30 flaps, the minimum follow-up time was over 3 months. The results of the flap and the place of receiving the flap were all good in 28/30 patients, the results fit 2 patients. Mobility of finger I is very good 4 patients, good is 26. The color of the flap is suitable for the receiving area is 29, it is not suitable for 1 patient. Suitable flap thickness is 29, unsuitable has 1 case occupied. The flap size is designed from 2x3cm to 2.5x4cm. Conclusion: The first dorsal metacarpal artery flap has high reliability and good treatment results.

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