Khánh Vinh Đặng 1,, Vũ Hoàng Nguyễn1, Văn Phú Nguyễn2, Thanh Tùng Nguyễn3, Văn Chất Lê2
1 Thai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
2 Thai Nguyen central hospital
3 Thai nguyen central hospital

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Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of propler flap with based on perforator vessels, from the anterior tibial artery, posterior tibial artery and peroneal artery in treatment of tissue defect in the distal leg and foot. Material and method: Prospective study 32 patients in whom we used propeller flaps to restore soft-tissue defects of the distal leg and foot in Thai Nguyen National Hospital from 11/2018 to 03/2022. Results: The results showed of 32 flaps :17 flaps (53.1%) were based on perforator from the posterior tibial atery, peroneal atery in 14 flaps (43,8%) and anteriaor tibial atery in 1 flaps (3,1%), flap rotations maxium to 180 degrees, surgical time from 60 miniutes to 180 miniutes, flaps size from 2 x 3 cm to 6,8 x 10 cm. Results 19 flaps are total survival (59, 4%), 13 flaps are partial necrosis. The long-term follow-up results were in 32 patients (mean times 26±12 months). The good results 100%, most flaps have the same color and thickness as the place of receipt. Conclusion: The propeller flap is an efficient and reliable choice, it has similar thickness and color, short surgery time and good coverage result.

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