Thị Hằng Lê1,, Tuấn Thành Nguyễn2
1 VNU - School of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Medical Center of Vinh Tuong District, Vinh Phuc Province

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Objectives: To describe the current status of compliance with safety procedure for Gastroscopy by medical staffs in Image Diagnostic - Pathology Department at Vinh Tuong District Medical Center, Vinh Phuc Province, in 2022. Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive study, combining quantitative and qualitative analysis in 90 gastroscopy cases from July 2022 to October 2022. Results: The overall compliance rate of medical staffs for all 3 stages of the Gastroscopy procedure was 78.9%. The highest compliance rate was at the endoscopy stage with 95.56%; the lowest was at the subsequent stage after the procedure with 87.8%. Regarding compliance rate of safety procedure at all 3 stages of 3 medical staff groups: the highest complication rate was the medical doctor group with 94.44%; the technician group had the lowest compliance rate with 84.44%. Some criteria of the endoscopic safety procedure checklist had low compliance rates such as "Check the endoscope before performing the endoscopy" (compliance rate is 93.33%); “Clean the endoscope and accessories in an enzymatic cleaning tank” (compliance rate is 90%). Conclusion: The overall compliance rate of medical staffs for all 3 stages of the Gastroscopy procedure was quite high. However, there still existed a low rate of non-compliance process. Therefore, medical staffs need to raise their sense of responsibility to ensure procedure safety in the 3 stages of gastroscopy, especially improvement in instructing patients on necessary information after endoscopy and handling endoscope equipment.

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