Phạm Văn Bình, Đỗ Anh Tuấn

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Purpose: To study clinical and subclinical features of bladder cancer patients. Objects and methods: An uncontrolled clinical intervention study was conducted on bladder cancer patients who had a total bladder resection at K Hospital. Results: Almost patients were men between the ages of 50-70; 14 patients had a history of laparoscopy to remove tumors and partial bladder surgery, of which 2 patients had a history of laparoscopic surgery to remove the tumor and then  the bladdectomy partially; 77.4% of patients receiving cystoscopic surgery diagnosed the preoperative period. Risk factors were addicted to tobacco (80.6%) and alcoholism (64.5%). Hematurine is principal clinical features 80,6%.Total urine analysis: 90.3% have erythrocytes, 71% have leukocytes, and 71% have proteinuria. Almost patients have solitary tumor lesions 61.3%; tumour size 3-5cm. Patients have many tumours 29%; the lateral and posterior walls are equal to 22.6%; 16.1% anterior wall and 9,7% tumors caused compression of the ureteral hole causing kidney dilatation. Patients were T2 58.2%, T3 19.4% and T4 6.5%. Almost patients are in stage II 77,4%. Pathology is transitional carcinoma 96.8%. Conclusion: Bladder cancer is a malignancy more common in men than in women, smoking and alcoholism are possible high risk factors. Hematurine is principal clinical features. Pathology is transitional carcinoma 96.8%.

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