Thị Thu Hiền Đỗ 1,, Thị Vân Lê1
1 Namdinh University Of Nursing

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Objectives: Describe some factors related to surgical outcome of primary intracerebral hematoma. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Results: 61 patients with cerebral hemorrhage were surgically treated at Bach Mai hospital from August 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. The male/female ratio is 3: 1; The majority of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage are middle-aged, especially between 50 and 69 years of age. The majority of patients had large and medium hematomas (95.1%), 65% of patients had hematomas mainly in the cerebral hemispheres and ventricles. 63.9% of patients were operated by craniotomy to collect hematoma, 3.3% had ventricular drainage alone and 32.8% of patients had ventricular drainage combined with hematoma. Most of the patients recovered almost all of the hematoma (67.2%). After surgery, the number of patients with good and slow progress was 23% and 77%, respectively, no patients died. Glassgow score at hospital admission, hematoma location, degree of midline compression are related to surgical results of primary intracerebral hematoma (p<0,05). Conclusion: The percentage of patients with good results after surgery is still small. Glassgow score at hospital admission, hematoma location, degree of midline compression are related to surgical results of primary intracerebral hematoma

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