Main Article Content
Background: Antibiotic stewardship program needs evaluation criteria that are feasible in implementation and high applicability to measure and evaluate performance in hospitals. Objectives and method: Systematic review to synthesize criterias and interview experts to classify criterias based on practical ability and applicability. Results: 139 criteria were compiled from systematic review. After translating and assessing the reliability, the study selected 76 criteria (including 17 QMs and 59 QIs) to interview experts. Since then, the study has developed a set of criteria for evaluating antibiotic use management program with 48 criteria (15 QMs and 33 QIs) to ensure its significance and practical implementation. Conclusion: The set of asessment criteria is an important scientific basis for a comprehensive assessment of antibiotic stewardship program in hospitals.
Article Details
set of asessment criteria, antibiotic stewardship program, hospital
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