Thanh Dũng Lê 1,2,, Tiến Cảm Đỗ 3, Văn Sỹ Thân 1
1 Viet Duc hospital
2 VNU Hanoi-University of Medicine and Pharmacy
3 Hanoi medical university

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Objectives: To evaluate the early results in treating over 8cm symptomatic uterine leiomyoma with transbrachial approach embolization after 3 months. Methods: The study involved 16 female patients (patients), with a mean age of 42.38 ± 8.7 years, having over 8cm symptomatic uterine leiomyoma and treated with transbrachial embolization. Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features were collected before and three months after embolization. Results: All patients were successfully embolized with no procedure-related complications. After three months of embolization, the tumor diameter decreased by 12.42% (82.38mm compared with 94.06mm before treatment). 93.75% of patients stopped menorrhagia symptoms and significantly reduced abdominal pain after three months of embolization. The average tumor necrosis rate after treatment reached 68.6%, in which three patients with complete necrosis and one with necrosis <30% of the volume. Conclusion: Transbrachial embolization of the over 8cm uterine fibroma is safe and effective, helping to reduce the diameter of the tumor and improve early clinical symptoms after embolization.

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