Thị Thái Đinh 1,, Mạnh Tuấn Vũ 1, Thị Tươi Tạ 1, Thị Hiếu Hạnh Trương 1, Thành Đồng Tô 1
1 Hanoi medical university

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Objective: Description of clinical characteristics of patients who have chronic periodontitis with a periodontal pocket 3-5mm deep at OSRCAST, School of Dentistry, Hanoi Medical University in 2021. Method: 64 patients, 1792 teeth were examined and 906 teeth had a periodontal pocket of 3-5mm at at OSRCAST, School of Dentistry, Hanoi Medical University. The patients were asked about the disease and clinical examination. Research variables include age-gender; reason for visit, GI, PI, PD and OHI-S. Result: The age of final sample is from 22 to 59 years old, in which 38 years old is prevalent. The outcome of plaque index (GI) is 1,8337 ± 0,3947. Simple oral hygiene index (OHI-S) is 3,0123 ± 0,588. The gingival index (GI) of this study is 1,3549 ± 0,4762 in average. The depth of periodontal pocket (PD) of patients was observed, that final mean index is 2,1772 ± 0,4374. Conclusion: The mean age of the study group was 37.08 ± 9.08. The incidence of the disease is higher in men than in women. The main reason for admission was bleeding gums. The outcome of plaque index (GI) is 1,8337 ± 0,3947. Simple oral hygiene index (OHI-S) is 3,0123 ± 0,588. The gingival index (GI) of this study is 1,3549 ± 0,4762 in average. The depth of periodontal pocket (PD) of patients was observed, that final mean index is 2,1772 ± 0,4374. The worse the patient's oral hygiene, the deeper the pocket around the tooth.

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