Thị Huỳnh Như Nguyễn1,, Trung Hậu Nguyễn1, Thành Nam Nguyễn2
1 Tra Vinh university
2 Tien Giang general hopsital

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Objectives: To describe pediatric snakebite patients' epidemiological, clinical, and subclinical characteristics at Tien Giang Provincial General Hospital. Methods: The method describes a series of cases with analysis of 60 children who were bitten by snakes hospitalized at the Pediatrics Department of Tien Giang General Hospital from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2020. Results: Epidemiological characteristics: The age group most bitten was 6-10 years old (41.7%), primarily male (55%), mainly from May to December (76.7%), usually between 16:00 and 20:00 (58.3%). Accidents occurred in and around the home (65%), and most bites were on the feet (56.7%). 100% of children were hospitalized 24 hours after being bitten by a snake, but 46.7% of children did not receive first aid before entering the hospital. Clinical and subclinical characteristics: About 80% of cases have local symptoms: local pain 76.7%, swelling 63.3%, blister 15%, and necrosis 8.3%. Systemic symptoms: hemorrhage 30% (bite bleeding, skin hemorrhage, bleeding gums), vomiting 11.7%, weakness 3.3%. There were 21.7% moderate or higher poisoning, of which 6.7% were severely poisoned. Coagulation dysfunction was the most common manifestation (30%), prolonged PT (28.3%), prolonged aPTT (20%), and platelet reduction <150´103/mm3 (6.7%). Conclusion: The treatment of the patient's relatives, such as garrot, injection, incision, sucking venom, and applying herbal medicine to the snakebite site, affects the delay in transferring to the hospital, affects the life, and leaves a legacy of Evidence for pediatric patients.

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