Thị Hồng Chiên Phạm 1,, Thành Linh Phạm 2
1 National Otorhinorarynology Hospital of Vietnam
2 Hanoi medical university

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Objective: To evaluate dietary intake of chemo-radiotherapy patients suffered from pharynx - larynx cancer stage iii - iv at national otorhinorarynology hospital of vietnam in 2022. Subjects and research methods: A cross-sectional description of dietary intake over the past 24 hours at hospital stays on day 1st, 15th and 30th of 50 patients suffered from pharynx - larynx cancer stage iii - iv. Results: The average energy of the diet in days 1st, 15th and 30th was 1515 ± 437; 1433 ± 282 and 1427 ± 426 kcal/day, respectively. Calculated by body weight/day, respectively at each time: energy is 28.6 ± 8.0 kcal; 28.0 ± 5.7 kcal and 27.6 ± 8.6 kcal; protein was 1.04 ± 0.3 g; 0.9 ± 0.2 g and 1.01 ± 0.3 g. Statistically significant lower than the recommended requirement of 30 kcal/kg/day (p<0.05). The percentage of diets that were below 75% of the recommended intake on days 1, 15 and 30 were 32% and 24% and 18%, respectively. A low percentage of patients meet the recommended dietary protein requirement. The majority (>50%) of the daily intakes did not meet the daily vitamin requirements. The percentage of diets that meet the recommended requirements for iron, calcium and phosphorus for the day is low. Conclusion: Most of the diets did not meet the requirements for energy, vitamins and minerals; the ratio Protein : Lipid : Glucid was unbalanced.

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