Thị Việt Hà Trần1,, Thị Hoàng Ngân Phạm 1, Khánh Hoàn Nguyễn2
1 Namdinh University Of Nursing
2 Quang Ninh Hospital of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy

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Rehabilitation care for stroke patients promotes their rehabilitation and helps them achieve independence in daily living. Objective: Describe stroke patients' demand for rehabilitation care after the acute stage and the status of meeting their demand by nurses. Subjects and research methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 100 patients and 55 nurses with at least 13 working months in the Acupuncture department and Rehabilitation department and Geriatrics department. Data were collected in the form of interviews from August 2021 to September 2021. Results: Some of the patient's needs have not been fully met such as: using an anti-ulcer mattress; changing position every 2 hours; feeding to avoid choking; daily cleaning up the genitals; flapping, vibrating the chest; breathing exercises; eating easily digestible food; massaging according to the colon frame; practicing bowel habits; mobilizing the two sides with the full responses of the nurses at 32.1%; 47.8%; 40.6%; 37.6%; 47.5%; 47.9%; 43.5%; 17.9%; 3% and 42%, respectively. Conclusion: The response of the nurses to the stroke patients’ needs for rehabilitation care after the acute stage at Quang Ninh Hospital of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy is not as expected.

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