Hoàng Giang Nguyễn1,, Thị Phương Linh Nguyễn1, Phương Linh Đào 1, Thế Vinh Nguyễn1, Nguyễn Thiên Giang Trần1, Thị Thắng Nguyễn1
1 Health Strategy And Policy Institute

Main Article Content


Objective: Strengthening the healthcare management of older people (OP) at commune health stations (CHSs) is one of the critical strategies of the health sector to meet the raising healthcare needs of OP and respond to the ageing population in Vietnam. The research article describes the implementation of health care activities for OP at CHSs regarding their designated functions and duties. Methods: The health facility survey was conducted via secondary data collection and direct surveys at 94 CHSs in Ha Nam, Lang Son and Quang Binh. Results: The findings show that CHSs are performing various functions and tasks, from screening for early disease detection, diagnosis and treatment, to health monitoring and rehabilitation for OP. Regarding curative care, OP is the dominant group of patients at CHSs, accounting for 60% of the total outpatient visits. In terms of the management and treatment of chronic diseases, 80% of patients with hypertension being treated at CHSs are OP. CHSs have not yet met their designated roles in general health management of OP in the community, including making health management records and periodic health checks. About 25% of OPs have health records at CHSs as well as attend periodic health checks by CHSs. In addition, home-based care for OPs with special health needs is not yet conducted as expected. CHSs are facing difficulties and challenges in terms of resource mobilization and allocation and policy mechanisms in implementing health care for OP in the community.

Article Details


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