Văn Linh Hồ 1, Quốc Ái Đặng2,3,
1 Hue central hospital
3 E hospital

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Background: The aim of this study is to research the modified Blumgart pancreaticoduodenectomy anastomosis procedure and complications following surgery and corresponding treatment strategies. Methods: From January 2012 to December 2022, 87 patients with pancreatic disease  were performed the modified Blumgart pancreaticoduodenectomy procedure after pancreaticoduodenectomy at Hue Central Hospital. Results: The mean age was 59.5 ± 11 (18 – 83) years, the male/female ratio was 2.1. Predominant symptoms included abdoninal pain (66.7%), jaundice (78.7%), weight loss (56.6%) and pruritus (58.5%). Hardened pancreatic texture was found in 11,3% whereas soft, non-fibrotic pancreatic texture accounted for the majority of cases (88.7%). We performed prophylactic external pancreatic duct drainage in 76% of cases. Mean blood transfusion volume was 571.9 ± 251.0 (350 – 1350) ml. Mean operative time was 280 ± 28.9 minutes. There were 32% of patients having post-operative complications, including pancreatic fistula (2,4%), haemorrhage (5.7%), transient acute pancreatitis (13.2%), delayed gastric emptying (7.5%) and bilioenteric anastomosis fistula (1.2%) and  post-operative mortality was 1.2%. Conlusions: Overall complications rate after pancreaticoduodenectomy with pancreaticojejunostomy was still high but the rates of pancreatic fistula and haemorrhage were low.

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