Văn Minh Lâm1,, Thị Thanh Mơ Tạ2, Thị Mỹ Ngọc Nguyễn2, Thị Ngọc Phương Nguyễn2
1 Cho Ray hospital

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Background: Stress is one of the mental health issues that is attracting many researchers, especially in the medical environment where the subjects are medical students, where the proportion of students suffering from stress is high most. Objectives: Determining the stress situation of students of the Faculty of Medicine at Dong Nai University of Technology in 2023. Materials and methods: A total of 76 students (51%) are at risk of stress. The rates of mild, moderate, severe, and very severe stress are 16.1%, 13.4%, 13.4%, and 8.1%, respectively. Female students have a higher risk of stress (84.2%) compared to male students (15.8%). Nursing students have the highest rate of stress (55.3%). However, Medical Laboratory Science students have the highest rates of moderate (44.1%) and severe (29.4%) stress. The prevalence of stress varies among academic years, with second-year students having the highest risk of stress (31.6%), followed by fourth-year students (30.3%). Results: Medical students have a high level of stress. Guiding them on coping mechanisms to reduce academic pressure and increasing support from family members can improve this situation.

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