Ngọc Quang Đồng1, Bình Nguyên Lại1, Ngọc Tuyến Lê1, Quang Rực Nguyễn1,
1 Hanoi Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital

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Backgrounds: Virtual surgical planning in mandibular reconstruction by free fibula flap helps to save operation time, improve the accuracy, and improve the aesthetic and functional outcomes. While professional software are expensive, open-source software are functional, reliable, and may be freely downloaded. We described an open-source software 3D surgical modelling protocol to perform a fast and low-cost mandibular reconstruction with free fibula flap, with no need for engineering support. Procedure: Three successive open-source software were used to perform our 3D modelling: ITK-SNAP®, Meshlab®, and Blender®. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) data obtained from computerised tomography of patient’s mandible and fibula were needed. The 3D modellling of the constructed and its surgical guides were created and 3D-printed for intraoperative using. Conclusion: This protocol may improve surgical management in maxillofacial surgery in developing regions where expensive professional software are unavailable.

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