Anh Vinh Ngô1,, Đăng Mười Hồ2
1 Vietnam National Children's Hospital.
2 Nghe An obstetrics and pediatrics hospital

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Objective: To describe clinical, subclinical characteristics of drug-resistant epilepsy in children at the Department of Neurology - Nghe An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital in 2020. Subjects and research methods: A prospective, cross-sectional study on 32 patients was diagnosed with drug-resistant epilepsy during the period from January 2020 to September 2020. Results: The most common age of onset of the first epileptic seizure was under 3 years old (65.7%) and there were 53.1% of cases with clinical change over time. Most of the first epileptic seizures were generalized (50%) and secondary generalized (28.1%) types. The group of patients with generalized epileptic seizure accounted for 68.8%, and 31.3% of patients with partial epileptic seizure. The majority of patients had a weekly epileptic seizure frequency (59.4%). There were 90.6% cases of psychomotor retardation in which mild, moderate and severe levels accounted for 56.2%, 31.3% and 3.1%, respectively. On electroencephalogram, there were 21.9% cases of epileptic paroxysmal waves and 31.3% of cases with abnormal images of brain parenchyma on magnetic resonance. Conclusion: Age of epileptic seizure onset, generalized epilepsy type, psychomotor retardation, epileptic paroxysmal waves on electroencephalogram and abnormal images of brain parenchyma on magnetic resonance imaging predictive factors for the risk of drug-resistant epilepsy in children

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