Ngọc Dũng Trần1,, Thị Giang Hứa2, Văn Hợp Trần3
1 103 Military Hospital
2 Thai Nguyen Central General Hospital

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Background: Histopathological diagnosis of prostate cancer is mainly based on conventional histological criteria, but in some difficult cases, the immunohistochemical examination is needed for support. This study aimed to evaluate the histopathological characteristics, expression of some immunological markers, and their correlation with Gleason scores in patients with prostate carcinoma in some northern provinces of Vietnam. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study of 75 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer at Thai Nguyen Central General Hospital, from 1/2016 to 6/2022. The histological features, expression of some immune markers, and correlation with Gleason scores were analyzed. Results: Follicular adenocarcinoma 46.7%, Gleason 8-10 points accounted for 39.8%. Nerve invasion accounted for 24.0%. The rate of disclosure with the AMACR marker (P504s) was 93.3%, and the group with a Gleason score of 8-10 was 57.1%. The rate of disclosure with ERG was 33%, and the group with a Gleason score ≤7 accounted for 75%. The average Ki67 index was 14.1%, with a median of 10%, and 67.4% of cases with Gleason scores of 8-10 had a high expression of Ki67. Conclusion: Prostate cancer mainly occurs in cystic tumor type, with high rates of Gleason scores of 8-10 and nerve invasion. The higher the Gleason score, the higher the rate of nerve invasion. AMACR expression is mainly found in the group with Gleason scores of 8-10, while ERG expression is high in the group with Gleason scores ≤7. The higher the Gleason score, the higher the Ki67 expression. There is no correlation between Ki-67 expression and PSA.

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