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Objectives: This study aimed to (i) Determine values and changes of primary motor cortex volume according to age and gender; and (ii) Building up regression equations to estimate changes of the primary motor cortex volume by age in a Vietnamese adult population. Methods: Magnetic resonance images of brain taken from 98 (48 male) right-handed adult Vietnamese, who were assigned to have cranial magnetic resonance imaging at 103 Military Hospital and had normal diagnosis by diagnostic imaging specialist doctors. Volumetric analysis of primary motor cortex structures using FREESURFER software (version 7.1). Results: The intracranial volume (ICV) of men is larger than that of women (p<0.001). After adjusting to eliminate the effect of ICV, the difference in primary motor cortex volume between genders was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Along with aging, in the left hemisphere of the male brain, the volume of the primary motor cortex both anterior (BA4a) and posterior motor cortex (BA4p) decrease. In the right hemisphere, the primary motor (BA4a) volume is reduced. In women, the primary motor decreases when the age decreases, but it is not statistically significant. The regression equation is linear in the left hemisphere of the brain, the female primary motor cortex volume V=0.001×TTNS-8,998 × Age+912.51. In the right hemisphere, the primary motor volume of the male anterior (BA4a) is V= -10.89 × Age+2896.36; and the women is V = 0.001×TTNS-8.591 × Age+480.86 (mm3). Conclusions: Primary motor cortex volume was not different between men and women after adjustment for the ICV. Part of the primary motor cortex decreases with age, especially after middle age. Only the primary motor (anterior) cortex volume of both male and female (left and right hemisphere) are proportional to the ICV and the ratio inversely with age.
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volume of primary motor cortex, magnetic resonance imaging, normal adults.
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