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The weakness of the tympanoplastic repaire for the tympanosclerosis is the recurrence of the fibro-sclerotic tissue postoperative. Objectives: To evaluate the result of the osculoplasty by the bioceramic prothesis on the tympanosclerosis. Materials and methods: Prospective study on 40 patients with tympanosclerosis undergoing Functional Micro – Endoscopic Ear Surgery Results: There are 17% ossicularslerosis and 73% combination of myringoslerosis and ossicularsclerosis. All patients had hearing loss levels from 40dB to 47dB at 500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz. Endo-tympanoplastic repair by the bioceramic prothesis and the removal of the fobro-sclerotic only showed the same result in the first 6 months after surgery. However, there is significant hearing loss in the removal of the fobro-sclerosis only group after a year (Table 4). Conclusion: (1) Endo-tympanoplastic repair by the bioceramic prothesis for tympanosclerosis has impruved the hearing better than the removal of the fobro-sclerotic only. (2) The endo-transcanal technique is suitable for tympanoplastic repair.
Article Details
Tympanoplasty, Tympanosclerosis, bioceramic prothesis
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