Thị Thúy Tuệ Phan1, Vân Anh Phạm1, Đình Tuyến Nguyễn1,
1 Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital of Quang Ngai Province

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Background: Respiratory failure is a highly frequent syndrome in the neonatal period, especially in the first days after birth. Newborn respiratory distress rapidly progresses to apnea and then goes into cardiac arrest,  increasing the risk of mortality. Objectives: To describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of newborn respiratory failure and some factors relating to severe neonatal respiratory distress at Quang Ngai Hospital for Women and Children. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 162 cases. Among them, a retrospective of 112 cases between April 1, 2022 and August 11, 2022 and a prospective of 50 from August 12, 2022 to October 31, 2022. Results: Respiratory distress in neonates was common in males (59.9%). The male/female ratio was 1.5/1, after birth ≤ 24 hours old (84%). The average weight was 2542.8 ± 848.3 grams. Clinical manifestations of tachypnea (81.5%), children with severe respiratory failure (25.3%), hypoglycemia (29.6%), lesions detected on chest X-ray (79.0%). Common causes of respiratory failure are  the alveolar liquid absorption slows (36.4%), endothelial disease (28.4%), neonatal pneumonia (17.3%). Some factors relating to severe neonatal respiratory distress: the rate of severe respiratory failure in males is more than in females. Children with a gestational age of <34 weeks have a higher rate of severe respiratory failure than those of a gestational age of ≥34 weeks. Children with a birth weight <1500 grams have a higher risk of severe respiratory failure than those who with a weight ≥1500 grams. Children with hypothermia have a higher proportion of severe respiratory failure than children without hypothermia. Conclusion: Neonatal respiratory distress usually occurs in preterm newborns, with low birth weight, on the first day after birth.

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