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Torsade de pointes is a particular type of Ventricular tachycardia that most of the time is self- limiting and produces transient syncope but that can also degenerate into Ventricular fibrillation and cause cardiac arrest or sudden death. It’s underlying long QT syndrome may be congenital or acquired, usually secondary to many medications. Herbal remedies are often belieVed as a safer alternatiVe approach, especially topical formulas. Two patients that presented repetitiVe torsade de pointes degenerating into Ventricular fibrillation on acquired long QT syndrome after applying directly a type of herbal medicinal ointment on hemorrhoidal swollen Veins were finally diagnosed of acute intoxication with arsenic trioxide from realgar ingredients. The diagnosis of arsenic intoxication should be suspected when patients presented torsade the pointes on acquired long QT syndrome after herbal medicinal treatment, eVen with topical ointment because appropriate treatment must be included of emergencymanagement of torsade de pointes and specific chelation of arsenic intoxication.
Article Details
Torsade de pointes, acquired long QT, arsenic intoxication, hemorroid herbal medicinal
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