Quốc Hùng Hà1, Mạnh Bắc Trần1, Thị Thanh Hương Nguyễn2,, Thị Khánh Chi Nông2, Thị Thu Thủy Đặng2
1 Central Geriatric Hospital
2 National hospital of obstetrics and gynecology

Main Article Content


Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) is a rare genetic disease, characterized by pathological tissue, which are less differentiated and inVasiVe cancer cells in the lower mucosa, so it is difficult to detect early disease. Objectives: This study aimed at analyzing the endoscopic and clinicopathological characteristics of HDGC. Methods: The cross -sectional research is conducted in patients diagnosed with HDGC. Patients are gathered information about family history, clinical symptoms, gastroscopy images and histopathology.Results: According to the diagnostic criteria of the International Gastric Cancer Linkage Consortium (IGCLC) 2015, there are 8/45 (17,8%) to satisfy criteria 1 with an aVerage age of detection of 39,6 years old, 37/45 ( 82,2%) satisfies criteria 2 with an aVerage age of 33,9 years old. The most common age group in both sexes is ≤ 40 years old. Male/female ratio ≈ 1/1. Clinical symptoms often suffer from epigastric pain (80%), lean weight (37,8%), nausea/Vomiting (37,8%), gastrointestinal bleeding (28,9). Characteristics of endoscopy lesions are most common in the caVe - pylorus (55,6%) with the most common nature of ulcers (57,8%), infiltration (11,1%). The stage of histopathology stage II accounts for the highest (35,5%). Conclusions: Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) has the same ratio of male and female, there is no difference in gender, common at young age ≤ 40 years old. The aVerage age in female is lower than that of male.

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