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Background: Despite being widely presCribed highly effeCtiVe lipid-lowering drugs, a large proportion of the population with high blood lipid leVels do not reaCh their lipid targets. Treatment failure is attributed to Various reasons, but non-adherenCe to drug therapy is Considered a major faCtor in unsuCCessful treatment of high blood lipids. Objectives: To inVestigate adherenCe to statin therapy and its relationship with LDL-C Control using the Vietnamese Version of the GMAS sCore, at An Giang Central General Hospital in 2022-2023. Materials and methods: A Cross- seCtional desCriptiVe study was ConduCted on 154
outpatients at An Giang Central General Hospital. Results: The aVerage age in the study was (67.2 ± 12) years, with a higher proportion of male patients (51.9%) than female patients (48.1%). The treatment adherenCe rate in the study was (27.9%) and the LDL- C target was aChieVed in (55.2%). AdherenCe to statin therapy was assoCiated with a higher likelihood of aChieVing LDL-C target than non-adherenCe with an OR of 2.35; a statistiCally signifiCant differenCe with p=0.024. Conclusions: AdherenCe to statin therapy is related to LDL-C attainment
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Dyslipidemia, adherenCe to the use of statin, outpatient treatment.
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