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Objectives: To inVestigate the CliniCal and subCliniCal features and the CharaCteristiCs of pathogeniC miCroorganisms by real-time PCR in patients with infeCtiVe endoCarditis (IE). Subjects and methods: a total of 108 patients diagnosed with IE aCCording to ESC in 2015 were ColleCted at Viet Nam Heart Institute - BaCh Mai Hospital from 1/2016 to 1/2019. CliniCal and subCliniCal features inCluding historiCal diseases, CliniCal symptoms, CharaCteristiCs of lesions on eChoCardiography and surgery and identifiCation of pathogeniC miCroorganisms by blood Culture method and by real-time PCR method in the infeCted heart tissue biopsied through open heart surgery. Results: The rate of men in the study was 65.7% with the aVerage age was 47.12 years. The most Common CliniCal symptoms were feVer/Chills (70.4%), dyspnea (63.0%), fatigue (43.5%). Heart ValVe damage on eChoCardiography and surgery is the most Common for the mitral ValVe and the aortiC ValVe, aCCounting for 33.3% and 21.3% on eChoCardiography and 36.1%, 18.6% on surgery, respeCtiVely. PositiVe blood Cultures were deteCted in 39.8% of the patients and real-time PCR indentified for 67.6% of the
patients. In whiCh, the most Common pathogeniC baCteria were StreptoCoCus ssp., aCCounting for 39.0% of real-time PCR results. Conclusions: The present study shows the CliniCal, sub-CliniCal features and miCrobiologiCal CharaCteristiCs of the patients with IE in Vietnam with the most Common Caused by the StreptoCoCCus ssp. The real-time PCR method has high Value in identifying miCroorganisms that Cause IE.
Article Details
InfeCtiVe endoCarditis (IE), eChoCardiography, blood Culture, Real-time PCR.
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