Thị Lan Nguyễn1,, Minh Phương Nguyễn2
1 Ca Mau Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy

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Background: Children was morbidity and mortality patterns in hospitals will reflect the diseases and severity of death related to children, and also show limitations in the local health system. Objectives: Identifying patterns of morbidity, mortality and mortality in the first 24 hours in children at some hospitals in Ca Mau province from 2018 to 2022. Materials and methods: Research on medical records of inpatient and outpatient treatment of children at Ca Mau Provincial General Hospital, Ca Mau Province Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, Cai Nuoc General Hospital and Dam Doi General Hospital since 2018 to 2022. The study was carried out by a retrospective descriptive method. Results: From 2018 to 2022, the most common outpatient diseases recorded were respiratory diseases (chapter X) accounting for 48.9%, digestive diseases (chapter XI) accounting for 14.6%; infectious and parasitic diseases (chapter I) accounted for 9.0%. The most common inpatient diseases were respiratory diseases (chapter X) accounting for 33.8%; infectious diseases (chapter I) accounted for 28.6%; digestive diseases (chapter XVI) accounted for 15.4%. The highest rate of child mortality was perinatal (chapter XVI) and circulatory system diseases (chapter IX) together accounting for 23.0% and respiratory diseases (chapter X) accounting for 18.4%. The 24-hour mortality rate in children was 61.5%. Conclusion: Respiratory, digestive, and infectious diseases were the diseases with the highest rate of examination and treatment over the years. In which, diseases related to the circulatory system, clinical and subclinical symptoms and abnormalities, and perinatal diseases had the highest 24-hour mortality rate.

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