Thị Xuân Hương Nguyễn1,, Thị Kim Dung Lê1, Thái Sơn Đỗ1, Tuấn Anh Trần1, Thị Dung Hoàng2
1 Thai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
2 Thien Nhan Hospital - Que Vo - Bac Ninh

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Objectives: To determine the cause of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS) at the Pediatric Center - Thai Nguyen National Hospital. Subjects and methods: A total of 245 newborns were diagnosed with respiratory failure and treated at the Pediatric Center. Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study. Results: The proportion of male newborns (63.3%) was higher than that of female newborns (36.7%). Common causes of respiratory are: Hyaline membrane disease (HMD) accounted for 34.7%, transient tachypnea in newborn (TTN): 33.9%, pneumonia: 13.9% and congenital heart disease (CHD): 12.7%. The group of preterm infants born with NRDS is mainly caused by HMD and TTN. Groups of full-term newborns often have TTN, pneumonia and CHD. Newborns <1 day of age were  admitted for TTN (41%), HMD (40%). In the group of newborns from 1day to  ≤7 days of age, HMD was the most common (31.6%), CHD and pneumonia account for the same proportion (21.1%). Newborns > 7 days of age were admitted mainly because of pneumonia (90.3%). The most common cause of NRDS that onset right after birth was HMD (67.6%). In the group of newborns that onset of NRDS at ≤ 24h, the majority of the children were TTN. Conclusions: neonatal respiratory distress syndrome was more common in boys newborns than in the girls. The main cause of NRDS are hyaline membrane disease, transient tachypnea, pneumonia, and congenital heart disease

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